MONETA.MerchantAPI interface is a Web service based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), which uses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for transferring information.

Information security is provided by the use of Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS). All information requests are authorised with a unique combination of Username (API username) and Password (API password).

With the implementation of MONETA.MerchantAPI interface all the interaction with the user on the payment is realized on the merchant’s website. Choice of a product or a service, placing an order, registration of a transaction is performed on the merchant’s side. To carry out the financial operation of debiting the User’s account and crediting the store’s account the processor must send a special request to the Web service of the MONETA.MerchantAPI interface and process the response to give effect to the operation. The interface supports the following activities:

  • operation of debiting the User’s account and crediting the store’s account;
  • operation of debiting the store’s account and crediting the User’s account;
  • receipt of information about the User of the 'MONETA.RU’ system;
  • receipt of a history of operations carried out with a specified filter;
  • receipt of detailed information about a given operation.

MONETA.MerchantAPI.v2.en.pdf (PDF, 1,2 МБ)

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